Whole Energy Body Balance Podcast with The Healing Vet
This podcast is dedicated to transformation, healing, and harmony in both pets and humans alike. We hope to make A Real Difference For Pets + People + Horses By Sharing Profound Wisdom In Our Podcast.
Whole Energy Body Balance Podcast with The Healing Vet
Heal Your Life, Heal Your Pets
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Do you ever wonder how your own health issues, suppressed emotions, and traumas could be impacting the well-being of your pets? Join me, Dr. Edward, as I take you on an exploration of the primal energy, karmic connections, and soul contracts that may be influencing your furry companions' health and happiness.
In this eye-opening episode, you'll learn how your energy affects your animals, the importance of facing and healing your own traumas, and what karmic patterns and soul contracts are. Discover my personal journey of healing and the profound impact it had on my own pets, and find out how you can deepen your understanding of the energetic bonds between you and your animals. Don't miss out on this opportunity to heal your life and bring about positive change for both you and your beloved pets.
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Access current and previous Intensive workshops discussed on these podcasts!
- Intensive Workshop: Heal Your Voice, Empower Your Life - Register For The Intensive Workshop.
- Intensive Workshop: Strengthen Your Relationship With Your Pets with Kind Training - Register For The Intensive Workshop.
- Intensive Workshop: Animal Whispering at Home - Practice Edition - Register For The Intensive Workshop.
- Intensive Workshop: Understanding The Primal Energy and Karmic Connections Between You And Your Pets - ...
Hello, it's Dr Edward here and my name is Edward. I'm here and we're going live on Facebook and YouTube and this will also be going up on our pets, people and Harmony podcast. Today I'm dropping in because I want to talk to you about a really important topic, which is heal your life, heal your pets and understanding the primal energy and karmic connections between you and your pets. In my work as a veterinarian, it's really quite common for me to see animals who have some kind of problems, some kind of health issue, behaviour issue, anxiety, some kind of illness. And then when I ask the human, do you have any similar problems? Very, very often the answer is yes, the human has a really similar kind of issue to the animal. Now, this is curious and I don't think there's ever been any really solid research done on this, but my anecdotal experience of being in practice is that this happens all the time, more often than not. So why is this? This is a curious thing. Now, the truth is that you, the human being with your pets, you are your pets most beautiful influence and you also your pets most terrible influence. Now, the terrible part is not by design. I know that you love your pets and I know you do everything you can to care for them, but all of us humans have a whole lot of subconscious stuff, trauma, behaviour patterns, family patterns, all these kinds of things that we might not be aware that we're running in our energy and then influencing our animals because of it. So it's really important that when you start to look at yourself, when you start to take a good hard look at what you might have been suppressing or denying in terms of old uncomfortable emotions and feelings that you didn't want to feel at the time, or whether you start looking at trauma that you're carrying in your body, mind, system from old events, that trauma if you haven't met it, if you haven't assimilated and integrated and healed it, that trauma is still resonating and vibrating and affecting your beautiful pets. So it's very, very healthy for you to heal yourself, because every time you work with healing your own life and dealing with your own issues, you have a really strong flow on benefit to your animals.
Dr Edward:Now This then brings us to this whole concept of energy and resonance and entrainment. So whenever you're in relationship with another being, you're going to affect each other. That's just how it happens. Now some animals if anything you suppress actually affects your animals even more strongly. So if you've got frustration or anger or bitterness or jealousy or shame or any of these things that you're actively suppressing, making go away by, i don't know, eating a whole lot of chocolate or using alcohol or any other kind of addictive behavior that takes you away from actually meeting what's going on inside of you, your pets feel it even more than if you meet it and deal with it. And this brings us to this whole really complex causality and web of karmic connections and soul contracts between us and our pets. So you can define karma as action and consequence.
Dr Edward:If you want to get really simple, karma is simply everything you've chosen to do in this life and in past lives, everything you do that you do, every action, including thoughts and feelings and decisions and all that sort of stuff, creates a kind of a pattern or a trace of energy that then gets stored up in your system And as you move through life, these patterns of energy can remain dormant in your karmic history or they can then become activated. They can what they call the Tibetan Buddhists might call ripening. When karma ripens is when that energy then blossoms into an experience in your life. That can be a pleasurable good experience and sometimes it can be a really, really bad experience. Now, if you've got, for instance, that you've had a whole series of animals that have all had similar health conditions, then there's most likely some kind of karmic pattern active, some kind of soul contract between you and these animals that is designed for you to have some kind of spiritual lesson in your life. And if it keeps repeating, it means you haven't resolved that karmic pattern, it means you haven't learned what you need to learn.
Dr Edward:And once you get an understanding of what karmic patterns are and how you can resolve them which I will be teaching in an intensive workshop next week and I forgot to put the link in the text that goes with this, but I'm going to put that link in with the podcast and with the videos on Facebook and on YouTube so that you can you can come through and grab your seat to come along. I'm going to spend a whole two hours going through this topic, this really fascinating topic of how your energy affects your animals, how the karmic patterns and agreements and entanglements between you and your animal affect well-being, affect health, affect a whole lot of stuff really, really strongly, and how soul contracts between you and your animals can very, very powerfully affect what happens in terms of often less than helpful things like illness and other things that affect our animals as we unfold our life experience together with them. So energy is a real thing and energy healing is a real thing. I started working with energy healing when I had chronic fatigue, probably about 23 years ago, because energy healing when Western medicine ran out of anything that could help me energy healing was one of the few things that helped me feel better. And I've been working with energy healing with animals for a long time now, for decades And I've found that it can be the most beautiful, beautiful way to help your animals. In the workshop we will have actually a little group energy healing session where I'll energetically help you unbind, release, resolve and complete any karmic patterns that are tangled up with you and your pets that might be causing or resulting in chronic health, anxiety and other conditions. But really, if you are willing to show up to embrace healthy discomfort because it is always a little bit uncomfortable for you when you have to face yourself and heal your trauma and your subconscious patterns and all that sort of thing But you can use your beautiful pets as a really powerful motivator to heal your life, because you know the more you heal your life, the more your pets are going to benefit and the more their life is going to heal and blossom. And this is something I've seen with my own pets.
Dr Edward:So about five and a half years ago my second marriage ended. It wasn't a very happy marriage. There was a lot of narcissistic abuse from the other party And I was left completely shattered. And that's the turning point in my life. That's when I started seeking help, working with therapists, working with healers, going okay, what's going on? And I saw, wow, there's narcissistic patterns in my family of origin and suddenly I could see them coming and go. Whoa, i don't want to interact with that kind of person. And in that journey I resolved a whole lot of karmic patterns and a whole lot of soul contracts that used to lead to me experiencing abusive narcissistic dynamics in relationship. Now the difference from my animals with me doing that has been so profound. I've seen all of my animals become so much happier, so much healthier, so much more relaxed as a result of me dealing with my stress, my trauma and my problems.
Dr Edward:So heal your life, heal your pets, understanding the primal energy and karmic connections and soul contracts between you and your pets is a really, really important thing, and I'd love to invite you along to come to this workshop that we're offering next week. It's the 26th of June, right now. If you're listening to this or watching to this after that, then the workshop will be available on demand after we go live. We'll pop it up and you can enroll in it anytime you like, but it'll be super intensive. A lot of very useful information that will help you understand and resolve energetic patterns of connection, karmic connection and soul contracts between you and your pets.
Dr Edward:That could well be a big problem in terms of causing repeated patterns of ill health and other problems in pets that you have, and sometimes in yourself too. Sometimes the problems can be patterns that are repeating in your life that I've got to tell you you'll be a lot happier without. So thank you so much for listening and watching to this live video Listening, if you're listening, on the Pets, people and Harmony podcast. This is just a little short podcast episode there. Thank you so much. If you would like to work with me as the Healing Vet, please go to thehealingvetcom, hit us up and have a beautiful day with your pets. Goodbye for now And give your pets a cuddle for me. Thank you so much and goodbye.